Thursday, October 31, 2019
Why have the 1980s been described as a lost decade in terms of Essay
Why have the 1980s been described as a lost decade in terms of development - Essay Example In light of the halt in third world economic growth immediately after the beginning of the debt crisis, especially in Latin America, almost everyone agreed that the tag â€Å"lost decade of development†describing the 1980s was accurate (Santiso 2003, p. 297). The end of the 2nd World War can be regarded as having a hand in starting of a distinct form of world conflict-the cold war. The two superpowers (the U.S. and USSR) became hyper-suspicious of each other’s motives, creating a hostility that lasted till late 1980s. Truman’s Point Four Program addressed the foreign policy of the country and established a modern era for engagement in international politics. One of the outstanding themes in the four point plan was to help more nations in post World War II and assist the countries restore their economies, besides protecting them from communist control (Santiso 2003, p. 297). The Keynesian approach details economic growth, requiring government guidance and activist policies that circumvent the cyclical instabilities, which plagued the pre-war economies. The present international institutions (the UN, IMF, and World Bank) remain strongly rooted in a definite historic era shaped by emerging Keynesian consensus and embody an attempt to institutionalize this policy framework at an international platform. Development schools of thought incorporated during the post-war era include modernization theories (1950s, early 1960s); dependency theories (late 1960s, early 1970s); world economy view (late 1970s, early 1980s) and basic needs approaches (late 1970s). Other schools include alternative modes of production perspective (1980s) and sustainable livelihood approach. Modernization theory was a strong element in the increasing Third World critique of western ideas and practices on development and reinforced the notion that underdevelopment could be created (throug h colonialism and/or exploitation) instead of being an outright natural state (Katie 2005, p. 32). From
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Culture and World Wide Web Essay Example for Free
Culture and World Wide Web Essay Basis ternet has changed our lives, before the internet, Life was completely different. In early times, people sent letters for communication, but now a day, The World Wide Web has changed the world in more than one way. The Internet has suddenly changed politics, business, and culture. Now today, there is no need to sent letters, it is the modern era, the information technology time, in which information can take not more than half second to be sent. ternet has changed our lives, before the internet, Life was completely different. In early times, people sent letters for communication, but now a day, The World Wide Web has changed the world in more than one way. The Internet has suddenly changed politics, business, and culture. Now today, there is no need to sent letters, it is the modern era, the information technology time, in which information can taternet has changed our lives, before the internet, Life was completely different. In early times, people sent letters for communication, but now a day, The World Wide Web has changed the world in more than one way. The Internet has suddenly changed politics, business, and culture. Now today, there is no need to sent letters, it is the modern era, the information technology time, in which information can take not more than half second to be sent. The technologies are growing, developing, but did the culture changed and turned iternet has changed our lives, before the internet, Life was completely different. In early times, people sent letters for communication, but now a day, The World Wide Web has changed the world in more than one way. The Internet has suddenly changed politics, busiternet has changed our lives, before the internet, Life was completely different. In early times, people sent letters for communication, but now a day, The World Wide Web has changed the world in more than one way. The Internet has suddenly changed politics, business, and culture. Now today, there is no need to sent letters, it is the modern era, the information technology time, in which information can take not more than half second to be sent. The technologies are growing, developing, but did the culture changed and turned into a single culture, not at all. Discovery of computers and internet has come like a miracle to mankind. Through this the worldwide communication has increased. People are gaining knowledge about other cultures, but this does not mean that they are fully adopting the other culture and this is because soness, and culture. Now today, there is no need to sent letters, it is the modern era, the information technology time, in which information can take not more than half second to be sent. The technologies are growing, developing, but did the culture changed and turned into a single culture, not at all. Discovery of computers and internet has come like a miracle to mankind. Through this the worldwide communication has increased. People are gaining knowledge about other cultures, but this does not mean that they are fully adopting the other culture and this is because sonto a single culture, not at all. Discovery of computers and internet has come like a miracle to mankind. Through this the worldwide communication has increased. People are gaining knowledge about other cultures, but this does not mean that they are fully adopting the other culture and this is because soke not more than half second to be sent. The technologies are growing, developing, but did the culture changed and turned into a single culture, not at all. Discovery of computers and internet has come like a miracle to mankind. Through this the worldwide communication has increased. People are gaining knowledge about other cultures, but this does not mean that they are fully adopting the other culture and this is because so The technologies are growing, developing, but did the culture changed and turned into a single culture, not at all. Discovery of computers and internet has come like a miracle to mankind. Through this the worldwide communication has increased. People are gaining knowledge about other cultures, but this does not mean that they are fully adopting the other culture and this is because so
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Arguments For And Arguments Against Democracy Politics Essay
Arguments For And Arguments Against Democracy Politics Essay There are many benefits or arguments that are for democracy; since the ample population is given rights and autonomy. A very important characteristic that leads to being a benefit of democracy is that it allows citizen from all walks of life to participate actively in the political proceedings of their homeland. However, there are arguments against (disadvantages of) democracy also. One of the main defects in the idea of democracy is that the authority given to the masses can also be distorted, made improper use of and become the tyranny of the ample/ majority. This can become a double-crossing issue in democracy. Benefits of Democracy It has been noted that most countries in todays era believe in the ideology of democracy and in its various theories. Some of the most powerful and advanced countries believe in democracy and follow democratic peace theory. Followers of democracy also argue that it is better to have the tyranny of the majority rather than tyranny of the minority. A research by Diplomatic Changes in the Government Democracy can offer adjustments in government without antagonism. In a democratic government, power can be moved from one party to another through the method of elections. The authority that is the hands of citizens or general public of a nation makes the decisions for its ruling power. Avoidance of Monopoly In addition, any government is restricted to an election term after which it has to compete against other parties to recover supremacy. This mean avoids monopoly of the controlling party. The reigning establishment has to make sure it operates effectively for its citizens as it cannot continue being the power unless the people re-elect the same government to come to term again. A Sense of Appreciation This instills a sense of accountability towards the people. The ruling party owes their triumph in winning the elections and coming to authority to the citizens of the country. This brings about a sense of appreciation towards the people. This appreciation can help play a role in the governments motivation to function for citizens as it is because of the votes and trust of the citizens that the party has power to rule. Sense of Contribution An important for-argument of democracy is that the people attain a sense of involvement in the process of choosing their administration for their Nation. They acquire the opportunity to speak out their observations and views by the process of voting. This gives rise to a feeling of belonging to the people and they also feel as if they belong to the society and can contribute towards its betterment. Having an upper hand during war time: A leading research by Ajin Choi (affiliated by the International Studies Quarterly 2004, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea), says that democracies execute better in the time of war than non-democracies, that is they are more likely to win wars than non-democracies. The author (Ajin Choi) points this chiefly to the simplicity of the policies, and the constancy of their inclinations, due to which they are better able to deal with their partners. Avoidance of famine: Followers of democracy quite freely quote the famous economist, Amartya Sen, who believed that no operating democracy has ever managed to damage a large scale famine to affect its people. Disadvantages of Democracy: Until quite recently, conformist beliefs have believed that economic progress or development, predictably and with rapidness leads to democracy. Even though reality does show that almost all of the developed and rich countries of the world are democratic. But reality also shows that, the relationship between economic development and democracy is actually quite weak. The increasing number of prosperous non-democratic countries advocates that great wealth single-handedly doesnt involuntarily direct to more political liberalization. This is proved by the economic success of China and other non- democratic states in Asia. Wrong choice can be made In democratic countries, it is the ordinary person who has the ultimate right to decide their parliament and their current powers to be. Also all people are not conscious of the political circumstances of their nation. The people may not also be up to date of the political issues in their country. This can lead to a wrong decision of voting to the wrong party by the citizens. Hitler was rightly elected through democratic elections; though later he turned into a Fascist. This shows how a political leader could play with the emotions of people into blackmailing them to vote for him, ultimately misleading them into making a wrong choice. Government May Lose focus The government is bound to changes and adjustments once they are elected or re-elected, it may operate with a short-term purpose. As governments have to go through the method of election once their tenure ends and have to re-elected, they may lose focus on operating efficiently for the people and give attention to winning the elections. Masses Have Power Since majority has power- there can be a tyrannical rule of the majority which ultimately works against the minority. It has been proved by a research made by World Bank that though USA is a popular democratic country with loads of power and is one the most affluent and developed country, domestic inequality is largely seen. A huge countrywide score on the human development index (HDI) is partnered by the differences in health, education, and income amongst the various ethnic sets. In USA, almost every state has an infant mortality which is greater for the African-Americans then for local white people. Citizens might vote in favor of a party under pressure of the masses, because of the influence of people around them and because of their opinions, and end up making the wrong judgments. Though democracy tries to prevent discrimination and supports collaboration and harmonization. It also slows things down, stops those in power from committing an action that is against the majoritys wish.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Comparison of the Runes and Magic in Beowulf and The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki :: comparison compare contrast essays
Comparing Runes and Magic in Beowulf and The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki           There are runes and magic in the narratives of the poem Beowulf and The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki, an Iceland saga representing 1000 years of oral traditions prior to the 1300’s when it was written.  Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon narrative poem whose oral traditions date back to the sixth century (Ward v1,ch3,s3,n11). Beowulf opens with a short account of the victorious Danish king Scyld Scefing, whose pagan ship-burial is described. His body was carried on board a ship, piled up with arms and treasures: the ship passed out to sea, whence Scyld had arrived to the Danes as an abandoned child – a likely indication of a charmed, magical life. In The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki we meet Yrsa (also found in Beowulf), who is an impoverished child of uncertain birth (Byock xi); she later becomes queen – another charmed life. But re,markably she grows into one of the few women in the saga who do not employ magic. In Beowulf the reigns of Scyld’s son and grandson, Beowulf and Healfdene, are mentioned, and we then meet Hrothgar, the son of Healfdene. In The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki we also meet a Hrothgar, but his name is abbreviated into Hroar. He and his brother Helgi saw th eir father, King Halfdan, killed by King Frodi, who would have killed the two sons except for the magic of the commoner Vifil with whom they were hiding. King Frodi, in his attempt to kill them, â€Å"sought the aid of seeresses and soothsayers,†and when that failed, of â€Å"sorcerers†(2). But the magic of Vifil was so strong that it obscured the supernatural vision of the women (witches?); Vifil knew that â€Å"powerful spirits have visited the island [where he lived] (3) and thus saved Helgi and Hroar. Later Hroar is a notable figure, just as in Beowulf, ruling over the northern English kingdom of Northumberland until forced into a disastrous conflict. Meanwhile, as kids, Hroar and Helgi’s sister, Signy, manifests an uncanny poetic ability of speaking in beautiful verses when Jarl Saevil is escorting a group to King Frodi’s celebration; to me this seems magical. At Frodi’s feast a seeres named Heid is placed high up on a trance platform and a sked to reveal any information about Hroar and Helgi.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Theology 202 Study Guide 1
Theo 202: Quiz 1 Study online at quizlet. com/_b3aow 1. Define the doctrine of eternal security. Salvation in three tenses The Christian has the promise of God that no one can separate him from God. 1. The Christian has been saved from the guilt and penalty of sin. 2. The Christian is being saved from the habit and dominion of sin. 3. the Christian will be saved at the Lord's return. True. 13. 2. What was the significance of the council of Dort and it's impact in defining he system referred to as Calvinism Define Grace O. T. en were saved as they are in the N. T. by faith. O. T. expressed their faith by obedience to the law of God What is T. U. L. I. P. Held in 1618 in the Netherlands, determined that Arminianism was hersey, reaffirmed the reformed teaching of John Calvin, and stated their conclusiion in the five points known as TULIP 14. The good pleasure of God extended to save an undeserving sinful man. True. 3. Salvation is a dynamic quality of life, not just a passive point. Who is the founder of Arminianism How do Arminians redefine the original sin? 15. 4. Jacob Hermann.A man becomes a sinner only when he consciously and voluntarily sins, thus appropriating the sin nature of Adam. The idea that Christ wold save and then allow a convert to lose what he did not merit nor achieved in repentance, causes one to question not only His work, but also His character. Means that God first decreed to save the elect, then He decreed that Christ would die and provide salvation for them. Means the decree to save came after a person had sinned and after Christ had died for him. God decreed who would be saved (the elect) and the act of salvation in the same decree.John Wesley, John Fletcher, Francis Asbury, Charles Grandison-Finney. 5. 16. 6. How does the Arminian system depreciate the completed work of Christ by the denial of the security of the believer? Supralapsarian Total depravity. Unconditional election. Limited atonement. Irresistible grace. Perseverance of the s aints. Means a turning to God from sin on the part of the sinner. It is the human side while regeneration is the divine side. 17. What is conversion How is conversion distinguished from regeneration? Define repentance How does repentance affect intellect?How does repentance affect emotions How does repentance affect the will of man? What is faith? What is justification? 18. 7. 19. Means to change one's mind about sin. It changes our thoughts. 8. Sublapsarian 20. 9. Infralapsarian 21. It changes our feelings, makes one have genuine regret. It is an actual forsakiing of sin and an actual turning to God. (most vital) The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. An act whereby God declares a person righteous when that person accepts Gods word.Makes man perfect in God's sight, it's not that man has become perfect, only that god has declared him righteous and therefore he stands perfect in the sight of God. 10. List other church leaders that popularized the â€Å"A rminian doctrinal system. What tests that are used to verify theological truths 22. 23. 11. 1. Consistency 2. Correspondence 3. Priority of data 4. Cohesiveness 5. Thoroughness Separation. 24. 12. What does sanctification mean 25. What is regeneration? The work of God through the Holy Spirit, of placing in one who has faith, a new nature capable of doing the will of God.The Holy Spirit. 38. Bibliography is the theology of scripture Theology proper is the theology of God Christology is the theology of Christians Pneumatology is the theology of the Holy Spirit Anthropology is the theology of History What is total depravity? What is unconditional election? What is limited atonement? What is Irresistible grace? What is perserverance of the saints? What is the basis of faith? True. 39. True. 26. What is the agent of regeneration according to scripture What is the positional emphasis of adoption within the context of soteriology?What are the illustrations found in the New Testament by whi ch the doctrine of union with Christ is taught? 27. He receives the position of son of God instead of child of God like in regeneration. 1. Building and foundation- Christ is foundation and beleivers are construction material. 2. Husband and wives 3. Vine and branches, 4. Body of Christ 5. Human race and adam= union of the beliver with the second adam The relationship with God which we enter by faith in Jesus Christ. Experiential or practical sanctifiction in present life.Involves struggles of victory and defeat of the Christian. God continues to work in teh life of every Christian. Consmmational santification, for God will not complete the process until we either die or are raptured. where God rescues man from the eternal ruin and doom of sin and bestows on him the riches of His grace and eternal life Salvation ceases to be a free gift because in part a person is responsible for the retention of their salvation. Their belief in God. 40. False. 41. True. 28. 42. False. 43. 29. What is positional sanctification? What is progressive sanctification?Any man in his natural state is incapable or unable to do anything to please or gain merit before God. When a man obtains salvation because God began the process by choosing him without any outside influence. When Jesus died He died for those that were chosen by God. Since God of His own free will has chosen (elected) man and Christ has died for him then man cannot resist the power of God that brings hm to salvation. Since man has absolutely nothing to do with his salvation, he will persevere because the Saviour has declared that he has eternal life.Intellectual faith. 44. 30. 45. 46. 31. What is prospective sanctification What is salvation? 32. 47. 48. 33. How does the Arminian belief in apostasy may lead to an implied salvation-byworks doctrine? To what is the validity of one's faith measured? What is salvation accomplished (justification)? What is salvation applied? Prolegomena is the theology of things that are sai d before. 34. 35. It includes the redemption by blood, the reconciliation of man to God. It includes evangelism, regeneratioin, sanctification, and discipleship. True. 36. 37.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Human resource management Essay
Many business owners prepare a business plan before starting their business. However, small business owners often do not include human resource planning as part of their over-all business plan. They may start out with only a few employees or none at all. Over time, it is important to properly forecast employment needs. Just as failing to address potential threats in the marketplace can jeopardize the viability of your business, failing to anticipate personnel needs can impact on overall business success. The success of a business is directly linked to the performance of those who work for that business. Underachievement can be a result of workplace failures. Because hiring the wrong people or failing to anticipate fluctuations in hiring needs can be costly, it is important that you put effort into human resource planning. Planning for HR needs will help to ensure your employees have the skills and competencies your business needs to succeed. An HR plan works hand in hand with your business plan to determine the resources you need to achieve the business’s goals. It will better prepare you for staff turnover, recruitment, and strategic hiring – and alleviate stress when you have emergency/last-minute hiring needs. Human Resource Planning Process Or Steps Of HR Planning Human resource planning is a process through which the company anticipates future business and environmental forces. Human resources planning assess the manpower requirement for future period of time. It attempts to provide sufficient manpower required to perform organizational activities. HR planning is a continuous process which starts with identification of HR objectives, move through analysis of manpower resources and ends at appraisal of HR planning. Following are the major steps involved in human resource planning: 1. Assessing Human Resources The assessment of HR begins with environmental analysis, under which the external (PEST) and internal (objectives, resources and structure) are analyzed to assess the currently available HR inventory level. After the analysis of external and internal forces of the organization, it will be easier for HR manager to find out the internal strengths as well as weakness of the organization in one hand and opportunities and threats on the other. Moreover, it includes an inventory of the workers and skills already available within the organization and a comprehensive job analysis. 2. Demand Forecasting HR forecasting is the process of estimating demand for and supply of HR in an organization. Demand forecasting is a process of determining future needs for HR in terms of quantity and quality. It is done to meet the future personnel requirements of the organization to achieve the desired level of output. Future human resource need can be estimated with the help of the organization’s current human resource situation and analysis of organizational plans an procedures. It will be necessary to perform a year-by-year analysis for every significant level and type. HR planning must be tied to the overall business plan. You can start the process by assessing the current conditions and future goals of your company. Perform these assessments regularly. Consider some of the following questions: What are the company’s goals and objectives? Do these goals call for expansion into new markets? Are new product lines planned? Are changes in technology necessary to stay competitive? Will new skills and/or training be required to meet the company’s goals and objectives? The following three-step method is designed to help you determine whether or not you are ready to hire: 1. Identify Business Strategy and Needs 2. Conduct a Job Analysis and Write a Job Description 3. Determine the Feasibility of Hiring Human Resource Planning Checklist Step 1: Identify Business Strategy and Needs Identify pressures and opportunities Clarify your business strategy and direction Identify aspects of the business that need help The following questions will help you determine how many people are required, and with what skills, to fulfill your business needs. What new positions are opening up? What special skills (e.g. computer applications) will be needed? What work experience (e.g. in a particular area) will be required? When will new staff be needed? When should hiring be scheduled to ensure a smooth transition? Does the hiring plan also provide for employee turnover and attrition? Step 2: Conduct a Job Analysis and Write a Job Description Review your current workforce- Describe the employees you now have in terms of their knowledge, skills, and experience and describe how they function together to get work done, At the same time, consider how the current work could be reorganized to make the best use of current and future employees. Identify any skills and knowledge gaps- Note any gaps between the skills and abilities your current employees have and the skills and abilities that your workforce needs to meet your business objectives in the future. Write a job description Set an appropriate salary- Start by adopting a general salary range to help you determine what you will need to budget – and whether potential candidates are within your budget. You may want to complete a job evaluation, whereby you rank jobs and their corresponding salaries. Weigh the importance of critical skills and knowledge for each position, compare positions, and rank the new position on the pay scale accordingly. You will need to do a comparison between the new and existing positions. Is the new position more junior/senior? Will the new position require more specialized skills and knowledge? Will the position have more complex tasks and different working relationships? Will the new position have more or less responsibility? Tips for Conducting a Job Analysis * Ask employees about each position within the business and how they are (or are not) connected * Ask employees if they think hiring a new employee or creating a new position would be a good idea * Observe employees at work and earnestly ask for their ideas about better ways to operate; be prepared to put good suggestions into action * Talk to customers about which employees are easiest to deal with or provide the best service * Find out and understand why past employees have left – be truthful with yourself * Talk to customers about their needs * Understand the needs of people the new employee will be working with * Differentiate between â€Å"nice to have†and â€Å"must have†skills and experiences * Look at employees who are performing at a superior level and try to assess the skills and behavior`s that distinguish them; look for evidence of these behavior`s during the interview * Look at similar positions in other companies and the requirements they have * Read books or articles about companies that may have found themselves in similar situations Step 3: Determine the Feasibility of Hiring Understand the costs of hiring- Labor costs, such as salary and benefits, Recruiting costs, which may include advertising in addition to time spent on recruiting activities, orientation and training. Understand the benefits of hiring- * Improved morale of other employees, if a departing employee was a problem or if the area has been Under staffed for some time * Improved morale of existing staff if the growth means new business and opportunities * Improved productivity if a departing employee was not productive or if employees believed that you have made the decision to hire as a result of their input * Increased revenues once a new employee is performing at an acceptable level * A new employee who is more qualified than current employees can help train the existing employees * Increased customer satisfaction and potentially saved business. Understand the risks of not hiring- * Loss of revenues because of an inability to keep up with demand * Loss of employees because they are unwilling to continue being overworked or to do the work of a departed employee * No new ideas or knowledge brought in through new employees If you decide that hiring a new employee is feasible, you are ready to begin the recruitment process. If not, you might need to revisit your strategic plan or business objectives. 3. Supply Forecasting Supply is another side of human resource assessment. It is concerned with the estimation of supply of manpower given the analysis of current resource and future availability of human resource in the organization. It estimates the future sources of HR that are likely to be available from within an outside the organization. Internal source includes promotion, transfer, job enlargement and enrichment, whereas external source includes recruitment of fresh candidates who are capable of performing well in the organization. 4. Matching Demand And Supply It is another step of human resource planning. It is concerned with bringing the forecast of future demand and supply of HR. The matching process refers to bring demand and supply in an equilibrium position so that shortages and over staffing position will be solved. In case of shortages an organization has to hire more required number of employees. Conversely, in the case of over staffing it has to reduce the level of existing employment. Hence, it is concluded that this matching process gives knowledge about requirements and sources of HR. 5. Action Plan It is the last phase of human resource planning which is concerned with surplus and shortages of human resource. Under it, the HR plan is executed through the designation of different HR activities. The major activities which are required to execute the HR plan are recruitment, selection, placement, training and development, socialization etc. Finally, this step is followed by control and evaluation of performance of HR to check whether the HR planning matches the HR objectives and policies. This action plan should be updated according to change in time and conditions.
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